Pretty good
I like the fac that they used the pixel style game (That made me happy)
The gameplay was pretty good too
But I didn't like how fast you and the enemy's go though
So I'll give it a six
Pretty good
I like the fac that they used the pixel style game (That made me happy)
The gameplay was pretty good too
But I didn't like how fast you and the enemy's go though
So I'll give it a six
timing game
I did enjoy playing the game but only 9 lives when you can easily die I dont think thats really fair but I loved the timing the shot concept good graphics just might want to tweak it a bit
You gain 3 lives everytime you beat a level so if you take less shots you'll advance with plenty of lives :) thanks for your review!
Fun :3
Loved this game loved the game and everything about it just can't find out how to acticvate the switch
press E
Very well done
The graphics are great Iove the gameplay and controls it's difficult but after the thrid or fourth try I can beat the boss here's an idea put level's of difficulty that would make the game better for all around players
hope you take this idea into consideration
Its a nice concept but I thought in my opinion it was too hard
It is very difficult to use the wall jump and get 80 percent of the bombs
Maybe if you would lower the difficulty more players would enjoy it
I'll try to make another game with a similar concept and maybe include a more in-depth tutorial or even shorter levels so it doesn't seem so difficult.
Thanks for the review.
It was fun I thought but then after my guy turned white for the secound time (this game never ends) it was fun but I would have to give this a 8
Hey Guys Im rotomination and Im a pretty good artist I mostly do pixel art but I love flash so I joined here I hope I can help all you guys with my artistic spriting skills (I mostly sprite pokemon beacause I just sprite them the best)
Age 29, Male
ROM Hacking
Away From You :D
Joined on 5/10/09